- the cotton for the yarn (Frontier Spinning) is grown in the South - like the picture above.
- the yarn (Frontier Spinning) is knitted in North Carolina.
- the material is bleached, dyed or scoured in Pennsylvania at Wolfe Dye & Bleach, then cut & sewn with with thread (American & Efird), which is also made in the USA
- it's our name on the line.
- we are a second generation, family owned operated, manufacturing facility since 1950 (formerly known as Yocom Knitting Company) -click here to read an article on how it all started!
- outstanding customer service - just like when family calls, we answer, not a pre- recorded message!
- quality product - only high quality fiber-reactive dyes are used (this means the color won't bleed onto other colors)
- customers say that Lifewear shirts screen print better than any other shirts!
-100% Union Made - Workers United Local #1148 Affiliate of SEIU
"If I had to tell you the main ingredient, it would be the dedication of the people I work with. We have a lot of good equipment, but it's personnel that makes the business go. If your workers are behind you, you can't fail, and that's really what keeps us going." - Dave Bartman, President